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COMINSUD offers freely to the public a range of services to ease impacting costs borne by the Cameroon Anglophone crisis. 

The NGO known as Community Initiative for Sustainable Development COMINSUD recently presented it's offers to the press in a session that was dubbed press launch; the aim to involve the media in sensitization of COMINSUD's activities.


At the the NGO's office located just opposite Ni John Frundi's junction at Ntarikon Bamenda, available are the counseling service for those going through stress. There are also services that ensure

-Sensitization on Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual and Reproductive Health to the population.

- Providing dignity kits to women and girls.

- Providing kits to Pregnant women and girls.

- Providing food assistance to affected persons

- Promotion of a culture of peace within  and between communities.

- Working towards non-violent solution of conflicts in institutions, communities and families.

* Democracy and Empowerment of Women

-  Contribution to a society void of discrimination for all persons.

- Creation of an enabling environment for the respect  of women's rights and their participation in all aspects of life.

Media men and women that turned out at the press launch were briefed of these services. They staff of COMINSUD was also profiled to the press.

Mr Fon Nsoh, coordinator of COMINSUD said the  NGO would work with the traditional and new media for better communication so that together the community is moved forward.

The services are necessitated by the prevalence of trauma, gender based violence, general abuse, violence and counter violence forming part of the consequences initiated by the Cameroon Anglophone crisis.


While explaining these, the administrator of COMINSUD, Senior journalist and media consultant Mr Mukun Njouny Nelson said COMINSUD would engage the media to activities that  would portray the services available at the NGO's office, noting that evidence on public awareness of COMINSUD's programs would also be measured  via various means of media/audience analysis. Madam Teneng Susan is the CPS Desk Officer at COMINSUD. Her role at the occasion was to enlighten press men of the CPS project.


"COMINSUD's programmes would go a long way to build a society of tolerance, positivity and none violence as well as promote Sexual and Reproductive Health SRH while curbing negativity, intolerance and violence" Officials underlined. They envisage working together with the media for realisation of these.


The media would write short stories, plays, poems, narrations and testimonies for a positive, tolerant and none violent soceity. The media would also promote information about competition for the same purpose.

The projects at COMINSUD are sponsored by different international bodies like the German Civil Peace Project CPS and World Food Programme WFP.


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