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caravan members chew cud at planning meeting

The initiative dubbed “peace caravan of the major national dialogue” aims to promote peace and present final proposals of the Grand National Dialogue to the layman. This is however the latest of Biya’s programmes facing wide criticisms. Following launching of the peace caravan of the major national dialogue in both English speaking regions of Cameroon on 16th November, the weight of opposition is domineering. It appears even activists craving for peace understand the lacklustre of the programme, given the absence of concrete and fathomable moves accompanying it.

Resistance on the caravan is not soothing  though trusted religious clerics are at the helm. Antagonism has been rife before, during and after launching on November 16th in the Northwest by His Eminence Christian Cardinal Tumi and in the Southwest by His Lordship Andrew Fuanya Nkea. What perspirations?


A catalogue of why and what evoked; why is the caravan coming before results of the major national dialogue? Why put the cart before the horse? What is the urgency of the caravan when little or no preparation for this has been done? Why not release all prisoners arrested in connection with the crisis before the peace caravan?.

Just at the launching in Bamenda; when the list of those to lead the caravan in various divisions of the North West region was presented, the caravan leader for Momo division Honourable Enkwe Francis said six out of ten people to carry the caravan to Momo have indicated ill health against the move. The First Deputy Mayor of Nwa Council Jinkwen Martha Fonwi complained of road blocks by secessionists against the caravan.  The leader of the UDP Party El Hadj Lawan Bako was disgruntled because the proposal that the country be renamed, United republic of Cameroon, so as to suit "our two cultural heritage and stamp out marginalisation" did not feature in the final proposal that has already been handed to the head of states. Like him, the member of parliament for Menchum South Constituency Honourable Wallang Richard Ebua  is worried that the plea to revamp the slumping  Wum Area Development Authority WADA does not appear in the dialogue proposals even though it was part of the dialogue.

The mayor of Wum Council Dighambong Anthony said he is disappointed that the persons to carry out the peace caravan feature people who do not reside in the division and others who had fled the division on reasons of crises.

The archbishop of Bamenda His Grace Cornelius Fontem Esua expressed worry on a peace caravan by the government of Biya in the face of continuous violence in the northwest region perpetrated by the same government.


In a planning meeting prior to the kick off of the caravan, most of those involved in the  caravan revealed that they have received threats from secessionists if they venture carrying out the programme.

Like many others who have resigned from the caravan, Senator Kemende Henry member of the caravan is known to have resigned from the national dialogue sensitization team. He is said to have faced death threats by ambazonia activists. The SDF law maker is known to also withdraw because he was not consulted before being added on the list of those to undertake the caravan and did not take part in the dialogue.

Public opininon has also cast aspersions, questioning why Bishop Andrew Fuania Nkea and Cardinal Tumi have accepted to engage in a post dialogue caravan when nothing concrete has yielded from a National Dialogue that took place in the country two months ago. They are accusing the clerics of having been coaxed to do a peace caravan.


The national dialogue sensitization caravan taking place in November is coming a couple of days after Cameroon president Paul Biya announced municipal and parliamentary elections for February 9th 2020. The proximity of the two events makes a suspicion of political gains given that politicians or aspirants involved in the caravan may steal the forum to secure reputation for the upcoming municipal and legislative elections in Cameroon scheduled for February 9 2020.

All eyes are fixed on the process and outcome of the widely criticised caravan.



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