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The Esu Cultural and Development Association ECUDA has rounded off the second phase distribution of COVID-19 kits to the Esu fondom. The solidarity gesture was also extended to it's neighboring villages and to the administration of Zhoa.

The activity was led by the secretary General of  ECUDA Mr Bong Valentine in collaboration with the President.

On board to receive the delegation in Esu was the chairman of the COVID19 sensitisation commitee and Fon of Esu - His Royal Highness Fon Kum Achuo Albert II Chi Kazwu together with his notables.

In a remark he thanked ECUDA for bringing such an initiative, he further dished a lion share of his appreciation to all the sons and daughters of Esu all over the world for their generous contributions not only to protect their village but neighboring villages in Menchum.

The kits included face masks, hand sanitizer, buckets, soaps and stickers bearing messages about Covid-19 and a consignment of basic drugs.

The materials were distributed to the population of the Gayama basin right down the borders with the federal republic of Nigeria.

The head of the sensitisation commitee also led the delegation to the Senior Divisional Officer of Menchum in Wum and to Zhoa where he also handed COVID-19 preventive kits to the Divisional Officer of Fungom Subdivision in his office.

From the administration he stopped over in the fon's palace and the hospital in the village of Weh, then to Menkaf village.

He continued to Kuk village and handed a consignment of kits  at the palace of the fon of Kuk. The humanitarian gesture rounded off at the village of Kumfutu with a similar distribution.

There was a transpiration of gratitude from the administration in the various villages that received kits from ECUDA.

 The Senior Divisional Officer in Wum disclosed that no village in Menchum had come up with such a wonderful initiative to accompany government in fighting COVID-19. He praised Esu Cultural and Development Association ECUDA for collaborating with the Administration.

Same words of appreciation were rendered by the Divisional officer for Fungom in Zhoa.

The first phase of COVID-19 kits distribution by ECUDA was carried out April 30 to May 3, 2020.

 Items were distributed in all neighborhoods of the village of Esu, Churches, Markets, Parks and the Military barrack.

The Esu Cultural and Development Association is an umbrella union that brings together elites of the Esu village. Members meet regularly; they chat development and come out with benefitial projects for sons and daughters of Esu.

It has branches in different parts of the country Cameroon.


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