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Some 18 journalists refined their skills in the gathering, processing and dissemination of information in the area of COVID-19 reporting and reporting child centered issues. This was during a seminar organised by the NGO known as Plan International Cameroon, May 27 to 28 at the Presbyterian Church Center Bamenda. 

The workshop was dubbed "capacity building of media practitioners on child safeguarding and reporting amidst COVID-19"

Stating the objective of the seminar, Communication and Media Coordinator for Plan International Tembeng Hedley Tah said “It is true that COVID19 has not affected children as much as adults but the environments in which these children grow have been affected. As such, children especially girls are now exposed to different forms of abuses. It is therefore important to train reporters to raise awareness and draw the concern of parents and care givers to understand that children are even more vulnerable at this time and that it is important to consider children and give them the support that they need so that they can be able to thrive” he stated

On this established aim, the plight of children amidst COVID19 was pinpointed; children’s education have been halted, some kids are presently being occupied by hawking which is exposing them to risks, child psychology is affected, the out of school girl child is exposed to rape and some kids have had their parents taken by coronavirus amongst other challenges.

To ensure efficacy of journalists in the context of the coronavirus health crisis, various presenters at the seminar drilled journalists on varied topics using power point projections.

Dr Umaru Chiffen of the Bamenda Regional Hospital did a presentation on the COVID19 disease, prevention, treatment and myths. He called on journalists to inform the population on the risks of the virus and the means to adopt in reducing its spread.

Mr Dobo Edwin did an expose entitled: Introduction of Child Protection in Emergency Training and the role of media practitioners in this. He stressed on the rights of children, the need to protect children in times of emergency and the existing legal instruments on child protection.

The Focal Point Person for Plan Safeguard - Etienne Tayong on his part said there should be an appropriate response to issues of violence and exploitation of children and youths.
Journalists were also encouraged to prioritize the needs of the population, do sensitization based on these needs which would in turn bring about behavioural change.

Noting that the media men and women have the responsibility to stay safe, the Security Officer with Plan Interantional - Mr Njia Clauvis cautioned them to stay safe by protecting themselves in the face of coronavirus as well as act professionally in the face of the Anglophone crisis.

Participants were grateful for the knowledge acquired from the training;
“For two days I have had an excellent session here with Plan Cameroon. I have learned that children have rights and those rights must be respected and journalists who we are should push for the respect of these rights. I have also had excellent tips on covering the coronavirus and the Anglophone crisis as a whole which would help me henceforth” Mbu Stella of Equinox Television gave her appreciation.

After the seminar, Plan International Cameroon hopes that media men and women would pay attention to stories that put children on the lamplight, stories that prioritize the girl child and stories that would help limit the spread of COVID19.

Plan International as an NGO operates under the watchwords “advancing children’s rights and equality for girls”. It has been working in Cameroon since 1996. It is present in nine of ten regions in Cameroon. The exception is the South Region.


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