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At the end of a five day consultation held by Paul Tasong and Njong Donatus - coordinators of the National Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the Northwest and Southwest Regions PPRD NW/SW together with traditional authorities, religious leaders, civil soceity leaders and administrative heads of the Northwest region, proposals were put in place to effect the socio-economic transformation of the region. 

The aim is to permanently put an end to pain and suffering inflicted by the Anglophone crisis.

A presentation of restitution of the five day session of awareness and sensitization tour indicated in details proposals for the form and procedure of the reconstruction plan. It is a ten year plan; the first two years of the plan mainly focuses on basic necessities for the welfare of the affected population.

The plan would ensure the
promotion of social cohesion, rehabilitation of basic social infrastructure and revitalisation of the economy.

Promotion of social cohesion: Provide vulnerable households with reconstruction kits, support reconstruction of official documents, rebuild the values of living together, support the capacities of community based groups and civil society organisations.

rehabilitation of basic social infrastructure: These include schools, health centers, bridges, water points and community centers, etc.

Revitalisation of the economy: boosting agricultural production, rehabilitation of infrastructure, upgrading energy infrastructure and support for economic recovery.

Compensation of private property destroyed

An amount varying between 1.5 million francs to 2.5 million francs would be given to those whose homes were burned. However, the amount to be given to victims would depend on vulnerability criteria and categorisation of the type of houses and level of destruction especially as over 12 thousand houses were destroyed.

Compensation to victims who lost equipment is based on a criteria of categorisation:
-Category one; for instance those who lost bikes can be given 500 thousand francs
-Category  two for instance those with property of second degree burn can be given about a million francs CFA
-Category three: those with serious damages be given 1.5 to 2 million FCFA depending on the damage

Compensation of vehicles and motor cycles destroyed or confiscated as well as shops looted or destroyed.

Employability scheme

Youth empowerment through vocational training programs like plumbering, building and reconstruction, electricity, motor mechanics, metal works etc
A special employment of youths of the northwest and southwest regions into the public service

Others specifications

-Women empowerment centers should be assisted since they work directly with women who are vulnerable.
-Special attention would be paid to Nwa which is the most enclaved by construction of a road and electricity supply.
-Rehabilitation of the Bamenda Fundong road.
-Rehabilitation of council roads, national roads and other road structures to disenclave and improve on their accessibility and to facilitate the circulation of the population .
-Rehabiltation of health, water, electricity and schools vandalised
Establishment of birth certificates, Identity cards and other documents
-Offer assistance to pupils and students through scholarship schemes
-Special attention to Mbororos given that they are a minority group, they have lost cattle and have been severally attacked.
-Rehabilitation of schools, health centers, community centers and markets
-Upgrading economic infrastructure.
-Sports and leisure infrastructure as therapy for stress reduction of the mind
Strengthening of local media organs to ensure sensitization

For a smooth implementation of the project and collection of the right data of the affected, mayors, traditional leaders, village development groups, civil society actors, technicians,  would be involved.

The principle of participation and vulnerability are essential in order to identify the potential beneficiaries of the plan.

The next phase of eight years would put in place long term projects like construction of a damn over River Menchum, and River Casina Alah.

It was said that reconstruction works would commence from secured areas to more volatile areas.

Paul Tasong said "reconstructing delapidating structures while confrontations are still on the ground is a tool which government is using to re-establish peace and confidence"

The coordinators of the PPRD and local stakeholders in the Northwest region met in various sessions June 22 to 26 2020 at MINEPAT conference hall Bamenda.

Some positive minds hold that if the agenda is validated and well implemented, there would be an upgrade of the region from stagnation to recovery and from destitution to affluence as reflected in the final copy of recommendations to be approved by Head of States Paul Biya for the reconstruction and development of the Northwest and Southwest regions.


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