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The over 89 billion FCFA project for reconstruction works in Cameroon's Northwest and Southwest regions has ignited public debate. It has split public opinion, giving birth to diverse views with the pros, the cons and the neutral each on separate stance. Some feel it is time for a peace page to open in the light of reconstructing the regions that are still wallowing in conflict, others are emphatic that all tension should first and foremost be squarely laid to rest yet others think that  reconstruction may fan the flames of war. While National Reconstruction and Development Commission continues mission of awareness creation in Bamenda, Info Trends culled reactions of the layman and key stakeholders directly involved.  In this edition, the hope of mayors versus the skepticism of the lay man is compiled.

Menyong Lawrence - Mayor of Nwa

"It is very difficult to get to my municipality. Even before the crisis it was very difficult to get to my municipality. So if my municipality is disenclaved, they can have access to it. I think if there is access, all other projects can follow. since independence a subdivision like Nwa does not have a major access road. Even before the crisis erupted, we don't have a major access roads to the subdivision and we have been crying over the years that we should at least be given even one road. With the reconstruction program, I think they should start by giving a good road."

Dighambong Anthony Mvo -Mayor of Wum

"I think that re-construction has two be in been in two dimensions.structural and humanitarian reconstruction.
We are one of those divisions that are most hit in terms of infrastructure. Menchum is one of the divisions that have the worst road linking the Divisional Headquarter.

I'm in a municipality where we stay for ten months and have electricity for forty hours, water for forty hours.

It is my wish that something should be done fast for the Menchum Hydro electrical Power Project which can light both the Northwest and West regions. We have the Wum Area Development Authority WADA which was the hope of the Menchum man. It payed out a package of about thirty million france monthly. It is my wish that WADA be revamped and put under the council. We have studies because the new law gives the council power under the state."

Ihimbru Solomon Kudi -Mayor of Benakuma

'Like many other councils in the Northwest and Southwest regions stricken by the crisis, Benakuma Council is economically damaged, socially damaged, the health services are grounded, the educational system is completely shattered and we just hope that with the reconstruction program we will have another opportunity to reconstruct the total destruction that we have experienced in the socio-economic fabric of the population. This would give hope because many have lost hope, they are IDPs and refugees. So if the process starts, it would be a wake-up call for those out of the municipality to come back.

The economy was very competitive within the division. Benakuma municipality had the most animated  animated market. Bawuru was somehow an international market. Benakuma had businessmen from Douala, Younde and the Southwest regions coming to buy products of several nature.

We are very grateful that the various areas have been identified to ensure that there should be life again."

Nderem Stephen Njodzeka-Director of SHUMAS

"In terms of the packaging it should be done in categories.
It's very important that the youths who were of school age and within the last four years have grown to adults and are not able to go to school be given particular attention.  They should be trained on life skills so that they are useful to themselves. If enough attention is not given to them, they would be a big problem to the society"

Tanjong Martin - Mayor of Tubah

"In my municipality every thing is totally down, the roads are gone, water crisis is a problem, many homes have been burned, many are out of the region because they don't have where to live. When I went on crusade asking them to go back to school, they asked me have u constructed the buildings, the classrooms that were burned
Since the minister has said things should be done as fast as possible then it should be done immediately, not to carry the files and dump them in Yaounde. We need a road that would link the Bamenda City and Tubah. ...the road from Babadjou to Bamenda City should be done...on security
they should deal more with the people down that the people up.just the road between Finance junction and Bambili should also be done, this would answer many questions.
Between February and Now I've completed three major roads and we are working now on another one and no one has stopped the work"

Mayor of Bafut

"In as much as we live we need to have hope. From today I'm going to start sensitizing my people to start discerning their mind that something better is on the way. That whatever ideas they ever had, life is bouncing back".

"As for me the government is trying to put the cart before the horse. In trying to solve a problem you must start from the root by identifying the cause, look for the solutions and after solving the problem, maintenance can now come in. We can't be doing constructions in between war. How secured is the life of those doing the re-construction. The government should see into solving this problem first before thinking of reconstruction. I fear that money would be wasted because burning is likely to happen and money would have been wasted" says Youmi Lionel Bamenda denizen

"I am very very disappointed with this nation Cameroon an old adage says a man does not go chasing rats while his house is on fire. Actually the idea of the government through the prime Minister to reconstruct 350 schools 115 health centers 40 bridges, 400 water points 600km roads, 45markets, 17000 homes and 30,0000 documents is a laudable effort but how will these be accomplished when the Northwest remains a potential risk zone both for the government officials and civilians. I believe this is all a drama and an avenue for stakeholders to siphone money as always to their private pockets while leaving a great majority of the Northwest man a potential losser. None of the recommendations arrived at the so called national dialogue has been followed to the latest.  Who exactly is Cameroon deceiving? a nation that fights itself is a nation that deceives its citizens at the expense of their blood and sweat. What a nation led by lost  sheep. I am very certain that more than 90% of Cameroon's youngs are ashamed of being Cameroonians. Honestly at my opinion I love this country but am ashamed of the leaders of this nation and Cameroon" Ncho Sandrine laments

"I believe it is another way to waste money again like the so called national major dialogue which up to now has not borne any fruits. How and where are they going to successfully reconstruct in the midst of this tension?"  Christopher Fongeh

"Since fighting is still going on in the regions it will be wise to resolve the differences  before reconstruction begins so that all can go on smoothly" Raymond Chi

According to Emmanuel Buh, it is putting the cart before the horse. He says it is a dangerous mission given that NoSo is still wallowing in war. "I feel scared for the contractors who will be entrusted with the projects. The root cause of the conflict should be adequately address via inclusive dialogue before a safe reconstruction may come into effect"

"It would appear we love material things than human beings.How can we be carrying out reconstruction when people are still being killed? Are we reconstructing for animals? This is just to show the international community that they are in control which is not the case.Let the government sit and talk to their opponents so that a long lasting solution to be crisis can be arrived at before we can start talking reconstruction. Those forcing this to happen are planning to steal, they have a hidden agenda but God will fail them.There can be no meaningful development without peace and justice" a teenager opting anonymity.

There are others who  think that reconstruction can calm the suffering masses and bring collaboration from the opponents yet others say they would be on the watch to see things happen as government has decided.

Government created  the reconstruction commission to revive shattered infrastructure in the regions and thus reconcile the population with the once vibrant socio-economic, cultural and political activities of the peoples.

The target of the Presidential Plan for the reconstruction of the North West and South West regions is speculated to build and rehabilitate: 350 schools, 115 health centres, 40 bridges, 400 water points, 600 km of rural raods, 45 markets, 17000 private homes, 25000 hectares of farm, and grazing land and
300 000 personal documents.



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