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Schools across Cameroon resumed to save the academic year for pupils and students in examination classes. Varsity students equally resumed. Learners together with their teachers all succumbed to safety rules in the face of the disturbing coronavirus.There was also a fairly response by schools in Bamenda visited by administrative authorities June 2, 2 020. 

A tour to inspect schools in Bamenda took the Senior Divisional Officer Simon Emile Mooh, Divisional Officers and the delegates of education to some six institutions of learning. 

Info Trends observed that learners in the schools are made to abide to temperature reading, hand washing, physical distancing and the compulsory wearing of masks. On the walls and notice boards of schools are posters bearing anti covid19 messages. Schools like GBHS Bayelle and GBHS Mendankwe have a shoe disinfection station where all persons disinfect before entering the school.

At every stop, the SDO encouraged learners to observe safety rules with regards to coronavirus and work hard in order to pass exams.

Tuesday June 2, 2020, 9:30am: students in GBHS Mendankwe are taking lessons; classrooms take at most 24 students sitting in a fashion of physical distancing. Lessons in Geology, Chemistry, History and English Language simultaneously go on in different classrooms. The Principal Madam in an interview to the press

“the students came out, not all are there but more than three quarter of the students are present” Awuru Estella Principal of GBHS Mendankwe tells the press

At the Government Bilingual School Old Town, some three pupils without masks are scolded by the SDO for Mezam who almost sends the kids back home. They are saved by the D.O for Bamenda II Tanyi Akwo Rocqueceniol who hands masks to these kids. The head teacher and the delegates of basic education are cautioned by the SDO to be strict with the barrier measures against coronavirus.

A visit at the University of Bamenda reveals that beyond the barrier measures, the higher education institute produces hand sanitizers and masks.

The hope for a successful end of course examination is expressed by an upper sixth student in GBHS Mendankwe “I am confident that if we continue to respect the barrier measures measures against coronavirus, we would all stay strong and make it in flying colours” Doris Anye  
 According to the SDO for Mezam the measures are being implemented “We are fully delighted with what we have seen because the resumption of classes is effective; basic education, secondary education and the university of Bamenda. Security measures against the corononavirus are fully effective. I want to be clear that pupils and students should wear theire masks, should wash hands because that’s the only way to fight the coronavirus”

One method in the schools to ensure that learning is free of coronavirus is the setting up of a schedule for rotatory attendance. The at the University of Bamenda told the press that for the time, the university has opened its doors to  just three establishments; the Higher Teacher Training College, the Higher Technical Teacher Training College and the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics. Meanwhile for the secondary schools students of form five attend school as from Thursdays. 
The intention as explained by a teacher is to implement social distancing. 

Schools in Cameroon were forced to close on March 17, 2020 at a time the number of infected cases stood at 10. It was a decision of the government in the effort to contain the spread of the disease.  

As the going got tough, schools reopened when the country is battling with an upsurge of cases. According to worldometer, an online statistics site, Cameroon as of June 3, 2020 has 6,585 cases, 200 deaths and 3676 recoveries.


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