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By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

Sisterspeak237, a none profit organization committed to the welfare of women and girls has offered gifts to some twenty families hosting persons living with with disability in Bamenda.

Madam Wanchia, handing gifts to persons with Special abilities

The Project Lead of the organization Wanchia Cynthia modulated the philanthropic gesture June 3, 2020 at the Coordinating Unit of Persons With Disability at the Nancho neighbourhood. She was assisted by Nyingcho Samuel, the General Coordinator of the Unit of Associations of Persons with Disability - CUAPWD

Beneficiaries of the philanthropic gesture received food items and hygiene kits including rice, vegetable oil, table salt, seasoning cubes, sanitary pads, soaps and face masks.

The project funded by the Canadian government is dubbed "Gender and Disability Inclusive, COVID19 response in Cameroon"

The phase extended it's goodwill not just to females but also to males.

Persons with special needs jammed the venue; there were those with hearing impairement, walking disability, autism, celebral palsy and speech disability

Before receiving the gifts, they were cautioned on safety tips in coping with the COVID19 pandemic. They were also told to be positive and be of good morals.

Making a press statement, Madam Wanchia spoke on the reason for offering gifts to persons with special needs.
"we reminded them that there is no cure on coronavirus. We can only implement and respect the various measures. We have laid emphasis on the constant washing of hands, wearing of masks and social distancing. The challenge for them is that they have caregivers so close contact between them and their caregivers is a risk factor. We all know that Persons with Disability have always clamoured for accessibility to Health services.
This activity we carried out here today is to ensure that they are not left behind when others are moving along the train but that they can equally join them"

Beneficiaries of Sisterspeak237 pose for pictures

Kwa Bridget whose five year old daughter suffers from celebral palsy and walking disability shared her joy after benefitting.
 "Today we had nothing to eat, but I was glad to be called by the coordinator of persons with disability to come and receive some food items"

Nicoline Yitui, who spoke from a wheelchair was much concerned about a walking aid  "I'm so happy for the items that Sisterspeak237 has given me so I pray that God should bless them for what they are doing. Since childhood I have lived with this disability. I have lived for 39 years. I don't have anybody to assist me. Right now I need a tricycle because what I am using I borrowed from my friend"

Neba Kindness with a sight impairement also shared his gratitude "I thank God for them. I have a problem with my  eyes and my legs. This is the first ever help I have received"


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