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By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

About twenty women have taken a commitment to intensify peacebuilding and mediation. They are inspired by a seminar which empowered them with knowledge on peacebuilding, mediation, conflict analysis and effective communication in times of conflict. The seminar was organised by Mother of Hope Cameroon-MOHCAM with funding from Women Mediators across the Common Wealth. 

The over twenty women who attended the seminar are civil soceity leaders under the banner Women Peace Builders Network - WOPEN.

The women are worried by the Cameroon Anglophone crisis affecting the Northwest and Southwest Regions of the country where parties on the opposing side are yet to settle on peace talks. This has led to rampant increase in human killing, kidnap, rape, shut schools, extortion, ghost towns, lock downs and a generally epileptic economy and "women have borne the brunt of the crisis" says Madam Gladyse Foncham, Secretary General of WOPEN.

WOPEN in Northwest traditional regalia posing for picture during Peacebuilding Mediation workshop

WOPEN has acknowledged that women have borne the brunt of the Anglophone crisis but then more action is needed from the woman folk if the crisis must be resolved. Actions that would go beyond weeping, street protests and online campaigns.

After attending a three day capacity building workshop on mediation and peacebuilding in Yaounde from November 25 to 27 2020, WOPEN is strategizing to intensify efforts for peace to reign anew in the Northwest Region. A region where none state armed groups are fighting to carve out an independent state against the stance of  "a one and indivisible Cameroon" by the central government. This scenario termed "the Anglophone Crisis" has left the region unstable with occasional scenes of gun battles for about four years now. 

At the end of the capacity building workshop on Women Mediation and Peacebuilding, the women voiced their commitment.

Musongong Josophine - Bamendankwe Rural Development Women Organisation.

"I am now able to create a Facebook page and know the tools that we need in order to have the various media platforms for our organisation. At first we lacked effective communication, we were unable to use the media in general. Right now we are going to use the media effectively so that communication would be effective as we carry out peacebuilding and mediation activities in the conflict zone"

Ramatu Abdul, Coordinator of the Association of the Welfare of Indegenous People.

"We work with the Mbororo Community in the Northwest. The seminar organised by WOPEN and MOHCAM has been very impactful. What I really enjoyed most was the presentation by Madamadam Kamitatu from the UNDO on peace and development. She made us to deeply understand conficts, how to analyse conflicts and identifying  the drivers of peace.  My community has gone through a lot within the Anglophone crisis as a lot of Mbororo people have been displaced, their cattle taken away and I think coming to this seminar has helped me. I would go back to build the mediation skills in my community. I would go back to organise community mediation workshops, to train them as peace mediators in the community"

Claudette Kuchambi

"I am very impressed. The experience I have gathered from here from all the lessons including conflict and mediation and conflict analysis was so wonderful. I really wish to thank the team for organising the seminar to train women on peace, amplifying all the women and stakeholders to fight for peace in our society. Before then I didn’t really know much about a conflict but this conference has thought me a lot. Now I know the influence of the UN in the conflict. I know how to mediate in a conflict of this nature. I know the responsibility of a woman in a conflict"

Foncha Anang - UBa Team Diadaticians

"Going back to my community now, the knowledge I have gained would help me to make more effort to mediate in the problems that we have which would enhance peacebuilding. Mediation is an ongoing process and I would continue to play a role"

Adah Mbah CEO of Mother of Hope Cameroon - MOHCAM

"The women are leaving with skills on how to communicate better. They would now have strategies on how to advance their actions in peacebuilding. We are neutral and we don't have any political agenda. We just think that women's voices cannot be absent in the process of peacebuilding"


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