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By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

The populations of Esu, Weh, Ndu and Furu-Awa villages in the Northwest Region of Cameroon have received aid in health, infrastucture and didatics from the  Fifth Joint Military Region. Nka Valere, commander of the Fifth Military Region led a team to the various villages during the weekend. The activity carried out December 11 to 13, 2020 was within the framework of a mission to segment civilio military ties, to encourage soldiers charged with security and to reassure  indegenes of the military duty to protect them against assailants. 

The first visit was in Furu - Awa on December 11 where the population received food items and didatic material including palm oil, rice, garri, books, pens, chalk, soaps among others.

The visit continued on December 12 in Esu and Weh where similar items were handed to natives. In Esu, Nka Valere inaugurated a bridge constructed by the military to link Esu and Wum. The para medical service of the military offered free health consultation at  the Esu District Hospital and also gave free medication to the sick

General Nka Valere led his forces to Ndu on Sunday 13 where food items and didatics were handed to the people of the area. Free consultation and medicine was also offered to the population.

At each village, the visiting military force was received by elites, the administration and municipal authorities of the area. They expressed gratitude describing the gesture as humanitarian.

They were encouraged by the Military General "to be strong and stamp out all separatist activities". He also urged the population to collaborate with the security and defense forces who are there to protect. He called on combattants to lay down their arms for "those who will lay down their arms, will be taken to the DDR center but those who refuse to lay down their arms will face the arm of justice" Talking to school children, he promised a special prize to those who emerge first in exams

"We are using the carrot measures to meet the population and the soldiers. We have been carrying out other operations like Widi- Bali, Ngoke -Bui. We would continue to clean the seven Divisions if the Northwest Region and make sure peace comes back" General Nka told the press during an interview

In Ndu, Nka Valere was honoured by the Fon with the title - "Tav Ngiri", which means king of warrior

In Furu Awa like in the other villages, elites showed appreciation by offering gifts to the general.

Municipal authorities thanked the military force for contributing to peace and security in the area through the gifts offered and the existance of military posts. They assured them of civilian collaboration while also making appeal for security measures to be stepped up in the area through the multiplication of military stations

The largesse offered to the four villages adds up to a similar gesture earlier carried out in October during which Security forces offered didatics, renovated chalk boards and rehabilited classrooms in some eleven villages of the Northwest Regioneg.


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