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By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

Photo: Mayors at installation of UCCC Northwest Burea

The Northwest Regional Executive bench of the United Councils and Cities of Cameroon UCCC has been installed in Bamenda by Tamba Augustin national president of UCCC who also doubles as the Mayor of Yaounde VII. The installation ceremony on January 8, 2020 coincided with a contact tour of UCCC national president to the Northwest region.

The exco of UCCC in the Northwest Region has eleven members to pilote the affairs of the thirty four councils in the region. It is headed by Denis Awoh Ndang, Mayor of Fundong Council.

They took office in the presence of dignitaries, prominent were; Adolph Lele Lafrique - Governor of the Northwest Region, Paul Tembang Achombong -Mayor of Bamenda City plus a host of other National Executive Members of the UCCC accompanying the national president.

As he commissioned the fifteen, the national president assured  them of his collaboration acknowledging that they are operating in a difficult security context at the cost of their lives. 

Northwest Governor in a keynote address to the newly installed beckoned that they be peace crusaders and ensure effective decentralization and implementation of the Special Status while also warning that, they shun misappropriation of funds and absenteeism.

Left: UCCC National President, Right: UCCC Regional President

Hihlights of the ceremony also included a brief on the vision and mission of the UCCC. This was done by three mayors viz: Celestin Bedziun - Economic and Local Government expert UCCC/First Deputy Mayor Monatele, Anthony Dighambong- Mayorof Wum/First Vice UCCC national President and Greg Mewanu -Mayor of Kumba City/ UCCC Treasurer General. In seperate interventions, they explained that the UCCC made up of mayors serves as a mediation body between mayors and the local communities and between local councils and the government. It's functions include enhancing the capacity of municipalities, foster productivity and make recommendations to the government. 

ExecutiveMembers UCCC Northwest 

1- President: Denis Awoh Ndang  (Mayor Fundong Council)

2- Vice President: Mbigha Njah Felix (Mayor Bamenda I)

3- Treasurer: Itambi Tagyen Andrew  (Mayor Njikwa)

4- Secretary General Abdou Kanfon Borno (Mayor Ndu)

5- Assistant Secretary General: Ihimbru Solomon Kudi ( Mayor Benakuma)

6- Auditor No 1: William Banboye (Mayor of Mbiame)

7- Auditor No 2: Bumlangmi Theophile (Mayor Balikumbat

9- Adviser ( Achombong Paul (City Mayor Bamenda)

UCCC Divisional Delegates Northwest

1-President Menchum: Njah Titus Ndongkeh (Mayor Zhoa)

2-President Mezam: Tanjong Martin Meshongong ( Mayor Tubah)

3-President Momo: Ubangoh Helly Manyelle ( Mayor Andek)

4-President Ngoketunjia: Mentoh Mbah Joachim ( Mayor Babessi)

5-President Donga Mantung: Menyong Lawrence Ngansah ( Mayor Nwa)

6-President Bui ( Nchanji Germanus Ndi ( Mayor Nkor) 

7-President Boyo: Gwe Philip Chia ( Mayor Fonfuka)


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