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By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

The mission to hand the pallium in Bamenda was blended with a mission of peace, dialogue and reconciliation. Pietro Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of States of the Vatican and Pope’s envoy on errand to place the pallium on the shoulders of Archbishop Andrew Fuanya Nkea accomplished his task while also calling on an end to violence affecting Bamenda. He prescribed vigilance and serenity insisting that dialogue should be pursued in place of violence.

Pietro Cardinal Parolin at St Joseph Piazza Bamenda

Pietro Parolin was principal celebrant of a pontifical High Mass to mark the pallium investiture on January 31, 2021 at the St Joseph Centenary Piazza in Bamenda.

 He acknowledged that Bamenda is being shattered by division and rioting. His message of none violence in relation to a socio political crisis plaguing Bamenda fell on a heterogonous audience “we are all responsible for peace. All the actors of society are responsible from the smallest to the biggest person. No one can feel exonerated from the struggle against evil. This is the challenge that faces you today that finally arms may be put down and peace and reconciliation may reign within us and around us. Violence never solves problems. It only creates more problems. Peace is a duty of all. Dialogue therefore is the best way to solve conflicts and misunderstandings” Pietro cardinal Parolin spoke to the dignitaries present among whom were administrative traditional and religious authorities.

Cameroon's Head of States Paul Biya was represented by Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh - Minister of State, Secratary General at the Presidency. He was accompanied by Felix Mbayo -Minister of External Relations charged with cooperation with the Common Wealth, Philemon Yang Grand Chancellor of National Orders and Mbah Achah Rose -Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Supreme State Audit. Also present were Adolph Lele Lafrique Northwest Governor and Paul Achobong- Bamenda City Mayor. His Lordship Abraham Kome Bishop of Douala and president of the National Episcopal Conference Cameroon, bishops from the ecclesiastical province of Bamenda, priests, religious and lay Christians all made up the multitude.

As he conferred the Pallium on Andrew Nkea, third residential Archbishop of Bamenda, Pietro Parolin spelled out it's meaning "May this Pallium be a symbol of unity and a sign of your communion with the Apostolic see, abundant love and incentive courage. On the day of the coming and manifestation of our great God and Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ. May you and the flock entrusted to you be clothed with immortality and glory" he made the pronouncement before vesting the see of Bamenda with a Pallium and a Mitre. 

Nkea kneels, Parolin imposes pallium

Many who witnessed the ceremony were assured of a transformation in Bamenda. 

"He comes as a messenger of peace. It's a very big blessing because his coming to Bamenda is a blessing of peace among us." his Grace Andrew Nkea told pressmen . The Archbishop also noted that the Pallium he wears represents the unity he shares with the Holy Father Pope Francis and the power of governance exercised in the Archdiocese of Bamenda.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of States of the Vatican carried out his mission in Bamenda within a tense atmosphere marked by ghost town and timidity. The faith and courage of Catholic Christians was however demonstrated at the occasion as hundreds defied the ghost town in allegiance to the sacred event.


  1. Indeed faith and courage of Catholic Christians was however demonstrated at the occasion.

  2. Good wiring. Congratulations for telling the story as it is.
    Randy Joe

  3. A fairly balanced report there. Keep up


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