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By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

Bishop Michael Miabeseu Bibi gave his word to lay down his life for the flock as he took canonical possession of Buea Diocese, Cameroon.  The rites accompanying the ceremony was modulated by His Excellency Julio Murat, Nuncio to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea where the newly installed bishop of Buea officially assumed episcopal office which was symbolised by taking the crosier and sitting on the cathedral

In a firm mood at the occasion,  Bishop Bibi said "I would like to request one thing from all of you who have come here today. Please remember me in your prayers so that I may be a faithful servant to carryout the mysteries that have been entrusted to me and this responsibility of shepherding the people of God in the Diocese of Buea. Pray that I may be a good shepherd. Pray that I may give my life to the service of the people of God in this Diocese even to the point of accepting to die because of them. On my part I would pray earnestly for you so that together we should work for the good of the church and the Diocese of Buea" he avowed.

The ceremony at the Divine Mercy Co Cathedral Molyko Buea on Thursday February 25, 2021 took place within a Eucharistic Celebration pulling a multitude among them prelates, state and traditional dignatories from within and out of  the country.

At the arena, His Grace Andrew Nkea, Archbishop of Bamenda and Vice president of the national Episcopal Conference of Cameroon delivered a message where he stressed on the profound unity that should be shared between the bishop, his priests and lay faithful. His words were parallel to words from the gospel of St John and the letter of St Paul to the Hebrews as he said Bishop Bibi comes as a high priest to act for men in their relations with God. The people of Buea like the sheep would have  to listen to their bishop and follow him. The priests and laity should look up to him as a brother, a father and a messenger sent by God. 

The liturgy was led by the Buea Diocesan Choir made up of the thirty six parishes in the Diocese of Buea. The culture of the Bakweri  also added colour to the liturgy especially as the lectionary procession and the offertory procession featured the traditional regalia of the people notably the wearing ok the "kaba" by the women and the "sanja" by the men plus cultural gifts like parceled yams in weaved bamboo baskets presented to the newly installed bishop

As a symbol of their joy and thanksgiving, Christians of Buea and guests at the event also offered gifts in cash and kind to support the newest bishop of the oldest Diocese in Cameroon. 

Bishop Michael Bibi, native of Bamessing, Ngoketunjia Division of the northwest region was appointed by Pope Francis as the Bishop of Buea on 5th January 2021. Before then he was serving as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Buea and concomottantly the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Bamenda. His installation on Thursday February 25 2021 comes to continue the Episcopal ministry in Buea that began in 1950 with Bishop Peter Rogan as the first bishop of Buea and then Mgr Jules Peeters in 1962, Mgr Pius Suh Awa  in 1973 and Bishop Emmanuel Bushu in 2007.

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