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By Mildred Wung

The wave of change within the Cameroon Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reforms MINFOPRA is now known in the Northwest Region. Joseph Le, Minister of the functionary on a visit to the region 23rd March acquainted the people of the digitalisation and decentralisation within the Ministry. 

                    Minister Joseph Le

He mentioned that henceforth there would be organisation of oral examinations in the region via video conferencing for successful candidates of the written part of exams rather than candidates travelling to Yaounde, worker career files would now be pursued at the regional delegation not Yaounde just like other services within MINFOPRA that will now be accessible on the internet. 

"We are decentralizing many of our services. There are about sixteen services and in those sixteen, fourteen of them are already being decentralised" Joseph Le said while also noting that with the internet, one can access all websites of the ministry without necessarily going to Yaounde.

He said the reason is to ease services, cut down cost and to track workers who stay away from work under the guise of trailing files in Yaounde.

NW Delegates host MINFOPRA BOSS 

The minister made the explanations at the conference hall of the Northwest Regional Delegation of Economy Planning and Regional Development in Bamenda where state personnel from various functionaries were present. Among was  Adolph Lele Lafrique, Northwest Governor.


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