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Photo: Disinfecting GBHS Down Town

Four schools have been disinfected by the Bamenda II Council in an effort to fight coronavirus. Using decontaminated solution, Chenwi Peter - Bamenda II Mayor together with other councillors and staff sprayed PSS Mankon, GBHS Down Town, Government Bilingual School Old Town and Government Practicing School Old Town on Saturday March 13, 2021.

"Following high instructions from the Prime Minister head of government, following instructions from the minister of Higher Education, Secondary Education, Basic Education and considering the fact that the Northwest Region does not have industries, our lone industry is education and with the proliferation of COVID in the Bamenda II municipality, the council is there to respect state instructions. That is why all the councillors are out to disinfect schools to make sure we protect lives of our children" the mayor told pressmen during the disinfection exercise.

Photo: Mayor Chenwi granting interview

Buckets, face masks and soaps were also handed to the schools to aid them respect COVID19 barrier measures. At PSS Mankon where the Vice Principal received the items on behalf of the school, he commended the work done by the council saying that the school is "taking all precautions to ensure that the students respect COVID19 laws stated by the state".

The same mood was expressed by the Principal of GBHS Down Town Bamenda who saluted the Council for encouraging schools in fighting COVID19.

Photo: A councillor hands COVID19 kits to GBHS Down Town Bamenda

The Bamenda II Municipality like other jurisdictions is being hit by the second wave of COVID19. Statistics from the Northwest Regional Delegation of Public Health as of 6th March 2021 indicate 2708 infections, 1246 recoveries and 110 deaths.


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