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By Mildred Wung

Equipment worth over twenty million francs CFA has been handed to the Northwest Regional Delegation of Public Health by Dr Phanuel Habimana, World Health Organisation's Country Representative . The gift composing of a four wheel Toyota car and twenty computers was handed  May 5, 2021 at the explanade of the Regional Delegation of Public Health Northwest Cameroon. It is ntended to aid health officials in COVID19 response

The equipment was received by Dr Kingsley Che Soh, Northwest Regional Delegate of Public Health  in the presence of Dr Dennis Nsame -Director of the Regional Hospital, Governor Adolph Lele Lafrique - Chair of the Regional Committee against COVID19 and a host of other health workers. 

Handing the Equipment, Dr Phanuel explained that the donation falls within a scheme dubbed "Pandamic emergency facility fund" set aside by the world bank meant for social crisis stricken zones who are also facing the challenge of coronavirus.

"It is a mechanism that the world bank has worked out to support the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon to respond more to the COVID19 Pandemic because even before the pandemic came to Cameroon, the two regions have suffered alot in terms of destruction of health services.. so we know that the addition of COVID19 Pandemic to a population that has already suffered so much is going to be a very difficult situation. So the world bank worked out a mechanism of how to increase the support provided to these two regions so that health services can continue to function" Dr Phanuel said

The WHO envoy encouraged health staff asking them to do more sensitization on the COVID19 vaccine as well as strive to vaccinate five million persons by the end of the year 2021. He promised that in the days ahead medical accessories like oxygen concerntrators and rapid diagnostic test  shall be given to the region.  

In a remark at the sight of the gifts, the governor said "On behalf of our government I will like to thank the World Bank and the United Nations for what they have so far done to better the living conditions of our population. What you have given to us today is not little. It is a push and even your coming to see us is a booster. Thank you for coming. We are going to make good use of what you have given to us"

Before presenting the gifts, WHO Country Representative had a walking session which enabled him to see various facilities at the hospital put in place to fight the coronavirus pandemic including a videoconferencing room, a logistics section, a power supply unit,  a cold room for storage of vaccins, mobile storage units for COVID19 kits, the COVID19 vaccination center, the surveillance section and the Northwest Regional fund for health among others. Dr Phanuel Habimana was also introduced to the staff of the hospital and health chaplains. He was told that the region has three vaccination centers with two vaccins - astrazenica and Sinopharm currently being administered. 

Earlier, Dr Phanuel held a meeting with His Grace Andrew Nkea, Catholic Archbishop of Bamenda, pleadingwith the Prelate to sensitize the community of the faithful on the reality of covid-19, the need to protect oneself and the adherence to vaccination. In response, the Prelate commended  his courage in coming to Bamenda within a difficult security context. He also told him of his commitment to the fight against covid-19 through instructions in parishes on the respect of barrier gestures.

During interactions with the WHO official, the region's situation was revealed: five thousand five hundred and fifty nine cases of coronavirus, four thousand five hundred and thirty two recoveries, and two hundred and thirty seven deaths.

His visit has been rated as a boost to the health sector as he encouraged health personnel to intensify barrier measures against COVID19.


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