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UBa opens doors for a Hate free Institution

 By Mbuh Stella

Hate Speech is a potential source of conflict, contributing to thousands of lives lost around the globe, experts have warned.

In Cameroon, Hate speech is practiced both online and offline. The phenomenon is a call for concern. It is against this back drop that Defyhatenow a Non Governmental Organization is working towards raising awareness and combating Hate speech.

Recently, a team from the organization led by Laure Nganlay Nadege, Communication Associate at Defyhatenow visited the University of Bamenda, UBa to initiate a program which will in the days ahead engage students  in the fight against Hate speech and other forms of information manipulation.

During the discussion, delegation member, Derick Kinnang, who is also Research and Administrative Officer at Defyhatenow said 'hate speech is a can of worms that should not be allowed to take roots in the communities"

Defyhatenow Delegation presented their mission to Professor Cheo, acting Registrar UBa

Picture: Defyhatenow presenting mission to Professor Cheo

They told the university official that the outreach program seeks to engage local actors and stake holders on developing peace building initiatives for a hate free Cameroon. This explains why  they are coming to the base, to meet community leaders and the student community who will then transmit the information and knowledge to their various communities for a hate free society in no distant time

The University of Bamenda via its acting registrar Professor  Cheo Victor welcomed the initiative by Defyhatenow and pledged the Institution’s readiness to support in the achievement of  expected results. Professor Cheo said “We are ready at any time to receive you people”

Hate Speech is a criminal offense in many countries. The Cameroon Penal Code  in article 241-1 punishes perpetrators of  Hate speech with a two-year jail term or a three-million FCFA fine.


  1. A good initiative. Can't wait for the launching of this campaign I'm ready for it aswell.


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