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Joseph Mubang was traditionally baptized with the title "The father of peace" by His Royal Highness Fon Tekou Simon Mugmah of Mbatu. The event on June 1st 2022 took place at their family residence in Bamenda, Cameroon. 

J.Mubang hails from Mbatu by patrilineal descent. He was recognized by the Fon of Mbatu for heroic virtues in education, health, Christianity and sports among others. He is known to have established a mental health clinic in America with an annex in Bamenda, aided fellow countrymen of Mbatu, supported the Church and contributed in the promotion of education especially through the Saint Federick College. 

The process to crown him with the title "Father of peace" was validated by a series of rituals. He was vested with traditional regalia including an embroidered jumper and a cap with "a red feather". He was asked to kneel before the Fon where he received water in his palms served by the Fon and then sprinkled the water from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet. He was also handed a traditional bag and a cup. 

While decorating him with the title "Father of peace" he was hailed by HRH Mugmah who also proclaimed success and prosperity upon him.

"what I have done to my son Joe Mubang is just to tell you that we have to work hard. He has worked hard to deserve what he has today. He has worked hard to salvage souls. He has worked hard to deserve this title. He is a father of peace. We are going through some torments in our region and we need peace at all cost. So without peace we cannot solve these problems. We need to settle on peace and we can think of solutions to our problems  so he needs to move around the palaces and talk to our fathers. Peace is a way forward and we need peace to solve our problems. The red feather is a sign of appreciation for work done. It's a sign of heroism and that's what we can give him" the Fon told pressmen in an interview after decorating Joe Mubang.

In a mood of cheerfulness, the decorated son of Mbatu promised to work for peace.

"It is always said that If you want to know who you are, you come back to your village. I'm particularly honoured that the Fon of my proud village of Mbatu has honoured me today and given me the red feather. During this time that we are looking for peace, he has given me the title that is associated with peace. I will contribute to give that long lasting peace and if I'm recognized by the fon in my village I take it with humility. 

I'm humble enough to say thank you my Fon. I'm proud to be a son of Mbatu and I promise to do more to the common man with my widow's mite using my education and experience" Joe Mubang said.

Joseph Mubang is reputed for being illustrious. He received the title Father of peace on the heels of a series of activities that has put him on the spotlight. 

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

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