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By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum 

Menchum Journalist Union MEJU, which is a union, grouping together journalists of Menchum descent has embarked on a journey to bring back Menchum Voice Newspaper. The Union has also paid tributes to elites of Menchum Division. This was the main activity that featured during it's 2022 general convention under the leadership of it's president Victor Bama Cham.

MEJU handed notes of recognition to the elites for strides made in development in varried fields. Those recognized include Senator Buh Sule Tegha, Mih Bibiana Mbei Dinghambong, Fon Ndecham Chefon II, Professor Kelly Mua Kingsly, Prince Divine Kwansuh and Late Fon Kum-A-Chuo II Kawzu Albert. 

Professor Kelly Mua Kingsly was honoured as "Most forensic expert of financial forensics"

Mih Bibiana Mbei Dinghambong was honoured as "most committed, consistent iconic woman peace crusader"

Prince Divine Kwansuh was honoured as "Most innovative, creative, pragmatic print media editor/ editorialist"

His Majesty Ndecham Chefon II was honoured as "Community Mobiliser and for championing inclusive development in Bafmeng Fondom"

Senator Buh Sule Tegha was honoured as Most distinguished and engaged Member of Parliament 

Late Fon Kum-A-Chuo II Kawzu Albert was posthumously honoured as  grassroot developer. 

Also at the convention, MEJU took the commitment to resurrect "Menchum Voice Newspaper" a publication which disappeared from the newspaper kiosk several years ago. They initiated a fundraising for a re-inugauration of Menchum Voice.

Randy Joe Sa'ah, journalist with BBC says Menchum Voice Newspaper died because of inadequate resources for production. 

In an interview to the press, incumbent president of MEJU stated the purpose for it's relaunch "Our goal is going back to our roots and ensuring that our people get adequate and reliable information concerning events in and around and with that we laid a platform to relaunch Menchum Voice which has been a weapon of communication across the division. We are relaunching Menchum Voice so that come next year, we shall go monthly. And going monthly means our people expect" Victor Cham said.

Earlier during the convention day, a training workshop was organized during which journalists were upskilled on two broad issues. In the first place, Environmental Journalist and international reporter, Ngala Killian Chimtoh drilled journalists on Pitching Stories and  tips on writing for International media organs. In a second module, Post Graduate Journalism Research Student - Amindeh Blaise Atabong drilled journalists on Reporting in Hostile environment, focus on the North-west and Southwest Regions.


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