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By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

A mass Vaccination Campaign for the Northwest Region against COVID19 shall run from July 7th to 11th. The information was disclosed during an information session on Covid19 by Dr Kingsley Che Soh, Northwest Regional Delegate of Public Health. 

The region's health team shall be in public places to talk about COVID19 vaccine.

The Mass campaign against COVID19 is intended to get many people vaccinated. During an information session at the Northwest Regional Fund for Health on July 6th 2021 that brought together stakeholders from different sectors, Dr Kingsley Che Soh Regional Delegate of Public Health  said the campaign is intended to enable the population to have an 80% immunity so that even if there is virus infection, case severity is avoided. He also stressed that other COVID19 protocol including the wearing of face masks, physical distancing and hand washing shall continue to be observed by those who have received vaccine.

At the session, presentations were done on  the COVID19 situation and the vaccination situation where it was revealed that  56041 persons were initially targeted for COVID19 Vaccination but just 6110 persons have taken the first doze of vaccine representing 10 percent meanwhile 1388 persons have taken the second doze representing 2.5 percent. Health officials also noted that the wearing of face masks, Covid19 testing and other preventive measures has dropped which is risky for the health of the population. The region also reportedly recorded 34 positive cases  with two deaths last week to which health officials want to do  the vaccination campaign to control the pandemic and prevent the population from getting to a severe stage. 

The media, community leaders and authorities in the religious, administrative and political sectors are expected to join the campaign by sensitzing people on the importance of the vaccine.



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