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By Mildred Wung

The welfare of retired priests in the Archdiocese of Bamenda is expected to improve following an offertory that amounted to thirty six million six hundred thousand Francs cash. The amount contributed by over six thousand Catholics of forty five parishes in the Archdiocese of Bamenda was raised on a day set aside for Cathedraticum (a specified sum of money to be paid annually toward a bishop deemed as a mark of honour and a sign of subjection to the cathedral church)

Earlier in an announcement sent out to parishes, Andrew Fuanya Nkea -Archbishop of Bamenda had told his sheep to offer generously for this year's Cathedraticum which he spelled out that the money would be used to construct a home for retired priests in the Archdiocese. Tuesday March 30 was a forum for the faithful to respond to the Archbishop's call. 

Christians turned out at the St Joseph's Centenary Piazza for Cathedraticum that was part of a Chrism Mass celebration.  

Urban and rural parishes that converged offered cash ranging from twenty four thousand frs to three million francs which made up the sum total.  The amount was displayed by a simple writing on cardboard papers then a procession of Christians dancing with cash in hand to support the project.

"The Finance committee of the Archdiocese is likely to count up to forty million francs for the retired home project after money received by cheque would have been combined with cash in hand" a Christian disclosed.

Hitherto, the well-being of retired priests has been an issue in Bamenda where the retired are hosted in parishes and dwellings of their choice. Concerns have been raised on the accommodation and feeding of retired, sick and frail priests who sometimes appear abandoned.

Archbishop Nkea announced during the Cathedraticum collection that construction works for the home of retired priests begins April 2021.


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